Sunday, 5 February 2012

And ... S-T-R-E-E-E-E-E-T-C-H!!!

In the past week, there have been a number of people who have asked me what I am doing in terms of core stability and stretching.  Having tried (and failed) to explain how to do this stuff ... I have decided to put together a little core/stretch blog and let the pictures do the talking instead of my words (although I am going to add a few of those too).
Ready ... Mats down ...Let's do this!!


Prone Back Extensions
Lay over an exercise ball with no weight on your feet and only enough weight on your hands for balance.  Lift both legs at a controlled tempo without using any bounce from the ball.  As soon as your feet make contact with the floor, begin the next lift.  Repeat 10 lifts.

Super Woman!!
Start on all fours, ensuring your back is flat and square.  Tuck the opposing arm and leg in towards each other then extend out in a dynamic but controlled movement.  Repeat the tuck and extension 10 times and on the last extension hold for a count of ten.

Glut Raises
Lay on your back with your knees bent, heels down, toes up and your arms above your body.  Lift your hips until your body is in a straight line from shoulder to knee.  Be sure to hold for a second at the top whilst squeezing your butt then lower your hips back to the floor.  As soon as you  make contact with the floor, raise again.  Repeat 10 times.

Reverse Crunch
Start on your back with your legs raised but bent at the knee.  Keeping your stomach pulled in and your lower back pressed into the floor, slowly lower your heels to the floor but keep the knees bent.  As soon as your heels make contact with the floor, start to raise your legs back to the start position.  This is a slow, controlled movement that moves at a constant speed.
It is vital you keep your head on the floor, maintain a flat back and keep the knees at the same angle throughout.  Repeat 10 crunches. 

Support your body with your elbows directly under your shoulders and aim for a straight line from your shoulders, down your spine and along your legs.  Hold this position with the knees off the floor for a count of 10 then lower the knees to the floor (whilst maintaining your back position) and hold for a count of 5.  Lift the knees and hold for 10, lower the knees and hold for 5 then repeat for a third time. 
Keep the stomach pulled in throughout.

Suitcase Sit-Ups
Start by laying flat out on your back then raise your upper body and your lower body in a dynamic movement until you meet in the middle.  Then unfold back into the start position in a slow and controlled movement.  Aim for the arms and legs to touch the floor at the same time.  Keep the stomach pulled in and the lower back in contact in touch with the floor.

 Hip Flexor

Find a stretchy band and secure it to something that is not going to move.  Hold it under tension and separate the feet.  The hand that holds the band and the foot that is back should both be on the same side.  Lunge forwards keeping the body upright and the back heel pushing down towards the floor.  Try not to twist the body as you make the movements.

Apparently ... it is impossible to stretch too much so these can be done wherever and whenever you like!!!  I have not included the torturous foam rolling ... I may save that for a blog of it's very own ... but hopefully these stretches will keep you from seizing up too much as you work your way through your training program!! Hold each one for about 30 seconds.

                                         Calf Stretch
Stand with one foot in front of the other, both feet pointing in the same direction, front leg bent and the back leg straight with both heels on the floor.  Lean against something solid and if you can't feel a lovely stretch in the calf of the straight leg, move the feet a little further apart. To get a stretch in the lower part of the calf, bend the back leg slightly. 

                                         Hamstring Stretch
Raise your leg onto a step or chair and keep the knee bent.  Hinge forwards from the waist and imagine your hip being pulled backwards slightly.  Keeping the leg bent will ensure the belly of the muscle is the focus of this stretch.

                                         Quad Stretch
Hold the foot of the leg you are stretching.  Keep the knees together and the body upright.  If you are unable to feel the stretch in the front of the bent leg, push the hips forwards slightly.

                                                     Glut Stretch
Lay on your back and rest the foot of one leg over the knee of the other.  Reach through and hold behind the knee of the lower leg and pull towards the body.  Keep the stomach pulled in and the lower back in contact with the floor.  Try to keep the knee of the upper leg turned out.

                                Hip Flexor Stretch
Hold a lunge position with a wide base between the front foot and the back knee (that is on the floor).  Raise the arm that is the same side as the knee that is up and hold the wrist of the other arm.  Rotate over the front knee and lean slightly backwards.

Hip Flexor/Lower Back
Keeping the arms outstretched, sit back on your heels and relax into this lurvely stretch.  Hold for 30 then transfer the weight forward onto the hands and let the hips sink down towards the floor.  Repeat both of these stretches a couple of times.

And now for the disclaimer ... just to cover myself in case anyone gets hurt!!! I am not a pro and although professional advice was sought in the making of this blog ... anyone wanting to attempt these Ultra-Crazy exercises/stretches should do so at their own risk. 

Massive thanks to David at
and Liam at for their technical and professional support in my Ultra-Crazy year.