After the long, drawn out blog that followed Outlaw, I thought I would spare you another long read so I am keeping my Vitruvian write up short and sweet!!
Most of this was thought about whilst riding through the Leicestershire countryside ... The rest was thought about on the long drive home.
Most T hrilling moment: Hitting 36.5 mph on the second downhill of 'The Rutland Ripple', scary as hell but totally exhilarating!!
Most of this was thought about whilst riding through the Leicestershire countryside ... The rest was thought about on the long drive home.
Most T hrilling moment: Hitting 36.5 mph on the second downhill of 'The Rutland Ripple', scary as hell but totally exhilarating!!
Most H umorous moment: Seeing rider after rider popping out of the bushes on one of the only quiet roads of the bike course - nature calls!!
Most E motional moment: Crossing the finish line with Patrick and Luke ... I saw competitors do this at Outlaw and I was sad that I couldn't do it too so this was a truly special moment
Most V aluable moment: Being told "Use your gears ... NOT your breaks" Great advice that really REALLY helped get me up (and down) the hills!!
Most I nspirational moment: Seeing triathletes in the higher age brackets getting
out there and kicking Vitruvian's ass !!
Most T hought provoking moment: Taking a moment on the run to think about all those people who were suffering more than me and reminding myself that I had chosen to do this. It soon made me "man-up"
Most R ewarding moment: Overtaking a number of full carbon tri bikes on the many uphill sections of the bike course ... Three cheers for the Bianchi!!
Most U plifting moment: The cheers from the guys in the BMW who were following the bike route ... then seeing them and receiving more cheers on the run. Those guys really were the business!!
Most V ivid moment: The sunrise!!! Standing at the water's edge with Luke and thinking about what lay ahead, with Elbow's 'One Day Like This' going round in my head was incredibly emotional!!
Most I rritating moment: Swimming headfirst into a kayak because the girl in it didn't move
out the way ... even though she did see me and I wasn't off course!! Grrrrrrrr and ouch in equal measure!!
Most A wesome moment: Realising I could run when I got off the bike ... and that I could continue to run for the entire distance!! Whoop whoop!!
Most N aive moment: Not drinking anywhere near enough on the bike ... rookie mistake NEVER to be repeated!!!
Most T eary-eyed moment: Saying goodbye to Chris and the boys before I got in the water,
and saying hello to them again once it was all over!!
Most R eflective moment: Thinking about how far I had come in just 2 years!! From my first Olympic tri in 2011 to a full and half ironman in 2013 ... Made me feel just a little bit awesome!!
Most I rrational moment: Waking up the middle of the night and having a complete panic at the sound of the wind howling around the tent and convincing myself that I couldn't do it!!!
Most A wkward moment: Being caught short on the bike and struggling to find a suitable
'convenience' so that I didn't get seen by the poilice and put on the sex offenders list ... NO JOKE!!!
Most T ough(est) moment: Finishing lap one of the run and heading out on lap two - my
stomach was in knots and I was in so much pain but I stuck at it and got the job done ... without walking!!!!
Most H elpful moment: Getting a little escort at the end of the first lap from Luke ... He ran out to find me then ran with me until I saw Chris and Patrick for some much needed encouragement.
Most L ively moment: Being stuck in a trafic jam on the ripple with cars and caravans and super-fast triathletes all trying to get in front of each other and up the biggest hill on the course. ULTRA-TENSE!!
Most O verwhelming moment: Hearing the words "You are a Vitruvian" and getting my medal around my neck with my kids right next to me. Proper lost it at this point and made Chris' shoulder a little soggy!!!
Most N otable moment: There wasn't one ... The Vitruvian Triathlon was full of incredible moments from start to finish ... and through the smiles and the tears I loved every second!!! I will most definitely be back!!!
SWIM ...
BIKE ...
RUN ...
I have been yet again amazed and touched by the messages of good luck and congratulations. It really does help to keep me going when it gets tough so thank you ... each and every one of you!!!
To follow my progress with this and other challenges you can find me on facebook at:
Or to donate to one of the charities that I am supporting throughout my Ultra-Crazy year, please go to:
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